Immergez-vous dans les équipements de classe mondiale et le service inégalé qui ont rendu notre établissement légendaire. En tant qu'invité unique, vous serez au centre de notre attention et bénéficierez de notre plus grand dévouement à votre confort et à votre satisfaction.
OUR BESTSELLER - In this package, on top of everything you get in the Duke & Duchess package, you also have your own skipper and a 13-meter sailboat at your disposal every day. This is, in our opinion, the best of the best that we can offer you. This is a location that is meant to be explored by boat. And nothing is sexier than a 13-meter sailboat.
Our "Full Package" includes everything you get in the previous packages, plus: - All lunch or dinners could be cooked by two private chefs directly in the tower, once per day. - If you want to dine out, your dinner can be replaced with a couples massage in the tower or with a huge Private Pesto Lesson. - We know you love to enjoy life, so you'll get a 5% discount on every experience. * This package does not apply on free nights